Our Vision

At Pesitho we have the vision of an improvement in the conditions of everyday life of refugee families in rural off-grid areas through clean and affordable cooking solutions. 


We envision the families to be able to cook nutritious meals around the day without being threatened by poisonous smoke and gases, dangers in relation to collecting fire wood or other risks that occur due to traditional cooking methods.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide clean and affordable energy for those in need, while at the same time protecting nature from deforestation. Therefore we provide those in need with the necessary tools, facilities and technology for cooking with clean energy.


In order to achieve this we have developed the ECOCA, a solar-powered cooking unit, providing additional features that facilitate everyday-life for the refugee families.


Learn more


PESITHO is an active partner in a range of science projects. The target of the research activities is to apply groundbreaking innovation, science and user friendliness to ensure a cleaner planet through knowledge creation and pioneering product development.


We have previously been working with scientists from Aarhus University, the product of this collaboration being the endline report which you can find on our blog.


Are you interested in working with us? Then feel free to contact us.

Our Story

Pesitho is a start-up founded by four engineers with a combined vision to provide sustainable and clean energy for families in need.

The company was founded in 2017, and has since been growing and engaging in many different projects.


You can read more about our history here.

Who is Pesitho?

The people behind Pesitho are a small group of motivated and actively engaging engineers, researchers and students.


Currently our core team in Denmark consists of six people. Apart from that we have our local Business Manager, as well as the ECOCA technical staff at the different assembly sites in Uganda.


Visit our team to get to know the brains behind PESITHO.